An Affordance Based Model of Gameplay Published by Alan Hook on July 23, 2015 Pinchbeck, D.(2009).An affordance based modelfor gameplay. Breakingnewground: innovation in games, play, practice and theory. DiGRA 2009 Conference Proceedings Continue readingAn Affordance Based Model of Gameplay
Artifact as Theory- Nexus: Hermeneutics Meets Theory-Based Design Published by Alan Hook on July 22, 2015 Carroll, J. M., and Kellogg, W. A. (1989). “Artifact as Theory- Nexus: Hermeneutics Meets Theory-Based Design,” CM SIGCHI Bulletin—Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Wings for the Mind (20:SI), March, pp. 7-14. Continue readingArtifact as Theory- Nexus: Hermeneutics Meets Theory-Based Design
Critical Gameplay – Design Techniques and Case Studies Published by Alan Hook on June 17, 2015 Grace, L. (2010) Critical Gameplay – Design Techniques and Case Studies in: ed. Gibson, D. & Schrier K. Designing Games for Ethics: Models, Techniques and Frameworks Information Sciences Reference Hershey PA pp. 128-141 Continue readingCritical Gameplay – Design Techniques and Case Studies