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Month: August 2017

Design fiction: how to build a Voight Kampff machine

Sturdee, M, Coulton, P, Lindley, J, Stead, M, Ali, H & Hudson-Smith, A 2016, Design fiction: how to build a Voight Kampff machine. in CHI EA ’16 Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York, pp. 375-386, CHI 2016, San Jose, United States, 7-12 May. DOI: 10.1145/2851581.2892574

Art Orienté Objet (2007-11)

The series of works Art Orienté Objet, artists Marion Laval-Jeantet and Benoît Mangin create a series of works reflecting on our relationship with non-human animals. The most notible piece art Felinanthropy (2007) [pictured above] Jeter les bois (2007) [pictured below] and Necking (2007) in which they created a giraffe head mask which they exhibited alongside images of the artist interacting with real giraffe’s in the zoo.


I have been testing different approaches to cardboard rapid prototyping for a slotted card head design. The accuracy needed for the slotted card approach is difficult with hand cut card so i will use a template to begin with and adapt an existing dxf file to fit around the rift and the users head. This should make it easier to build from instead of starting from scratch and designing a bespoke rig.


I built a rig to hold two cameras at a 20 degree angle on top of the Rift headset to test the feeds and the new cameras with Unity. As part of this process a template for the front of the rift was produced which will be used to help shape the future iterations and the .dxf cutting pattern for the finished rig. The cameras are mounted on a frame at an angle to create a crossover in the image to create a section of binocular vision at the front of the rig. In the finished design they will be…